A way of moving that helps every aspect of your life…

Are you frequently stiff, tired and in pain? Were you once more active than you are now? Do you remember a time when you were more at ease in your body? Do your hips and shoulders get tight now if you run or surf or climb or do anything, really?

Through my own struggles with chronic pain, I’ve found yoga to be far more than a contemplative practice and I’ve developed a way of teaching yoga so that every aspect of your life feels better. So you can do all of the activities you love and can do them in a way that feels good again, that makes you feel strong again.

I will teach you how to move in a way that is functional for all the things you want to do in your life — from the simplest daily tasks like lifting your baby and carrying the groceries to big outdoor adventures doing your favorite sports.

Yoga for Your Life is just that — a way of inhabiting your life with far more energy and ease. 

Let’s practice together. 


Yoga for Mobility

Movement has always been an important aspect of my personal and professional career. As a former athlete, current surfer and climber, and yoga and movement teacher for over 10 years — and as someone who has navigated serious injuries again and again — my work focuses on the power of intentional strength and conditioning work, intentional movement, and the power of corrective massage therapy. These modalities combined with the power of mind will shift how you move throughout every aspect of your life.

Yoga for Pain Relief

Chronic pain is multi-dimensional — it impacts you on every level. It is physical, emotional and mental. It can stop you in your tracks and prevent you from living your life fully.

Yoga helps reduce pain perception, decrease inflammation, and improve mobility among people with a range of chronic pain conditions.

I help you solve your mobility issues, alleviate pain, prevent injuries, improve your mindset and give you the tools to make pain easier to manage.

Through our work together, you will rediscover your joy for life and ease in your body.

Yoga for Stress & Anxiety

Yoga is a powerful tool to combat stress & anxiety. As we focus on the breath in yoga, we reduce the level of stress hormone in the body and begin to access a more relaxed state of being.

In this way, yoga not only helps in easing the physical body, but it can also help with anxious thoughts.

If you are struggling with disconnection from self, stress or anxiety, establishing a strong mind-body connection through regular yoga sessions will begin to bring relief.

You will leave our sessions uplifted, challenged, empowered, supported.